Thomas Debesse

GitHub: illwieckz

Project head of Unvanquished game and Dæmon game engine project. I spend most of my available time to build and contribute to free software. More than code, I focus on ecosystems. Long time Debian user, I don't see Debian as a software distribution but as a work methodology.

Accepted Talks:

Building a community as a service: how to stop suffering from “that code is meant to be forked”

Earlier idTech engines were well known to have seen their source code opened when they were replaced and thus unprofitable. While this was a huge benefit for the mankind, game developers still suffer today with design choices and mindset induced from the fact such code base was meant to die. 20 years later we will focus on idTech3 heritage, how both the market, open source communities and game development practices evolved, and embark in the journey of the required transition from dead code dump to an ecosystem as a service.